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Testimonial Submission Form

Presently, no scientific protocol exists to either prove or disprove scalar light action. Furthermore, only a scalar light instrument can be utilized to monitor and observe scalar light action upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects.

The testimonies herein are first-hand accounts as to the efficacy of the scalar light sessions by way of a photograph of a person, animal, plant or object. These testimonies are subjective. Nonetheless, the testimonies serve as the initial body of evidence attesting to the benefits of the scalar light sessions. Scalar light is a new and emerging science and the testimonies listed on the website have been voluntarily submitted.

The scalar light sessions are administered upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. In practice, all scalar sessions act within the scalar light dimension which is distinct from the electromagnetic dimension. Therefore, all testimonies submitted to www.scalarlight.com reflect the subjective experience or observation of people that have e-mailed photographs of people, animals, plants and objects for scalar light sessions. Consequently, the scalar light sessions and the associated testimonies represent the new and emerging science of influencing the scalar light force fields embedded upon photographs.

The scalar light instruments are unique as well as the scalar light protocols which administer scalar light upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. Thus, the testimonies are unique, first-hand accounts relative to the ground-breaking, private research of Tom Paladino contained herein at: www.scalarlight.com


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Average rating: 1786 reviews

Sep 03, 2012 by Tana on Scalar Light
CFS relief after two decades
I have had severe chronic fatigue for over two decades. I have many symptoms, one being extreme unrelenting fatigue. Whenever I start to feel better, I usually crash soon after. For many years I have been unable to do more than the most basic activities of daily living.I have been receiving scalar treatments for three and one half months. My energy has begun to be consistently steadier, with no crashes in about 2 months. I have begun to take a weekly yoga class which is a miracle. I am also able to do more, able to get out, meet with friends occasionally. This is an enormous blessing. I will report again with any further progress. Thank you so much for this work and your dedication to it. I wish healing for all.
Jun 07, 2012 by Maia on Scalar Light
candida is history
Six weeks of scalar energy treatments have improved my health and well-being dramatically. My skin was the first to heal and has remained healed. I can pet a cat, wash dishes without gloves and not worry about everything I touch causing an itchy chain reaction. My hands look normal. I didn't realize how swollen they always were from the eczema. The skin on the rest of my body remains smooth and soft. A few days ago I had the candida level in my body checked and there is no trace of it. For many years it was chronic and systemic, affecting my organs, brain, skin and was the cause of chronic fatigue. Scalar healing energy dissolved the candida quickly and easily. After six weeks the inflamed tissue around my knees is less swollen and my knee caps have aligned almost back to normal. I can walk up and down stairs with minimum pain, walk ten blocks, work out at the gym for 1 1/2 hours. I used to watch the clock at the gym and wish my forty-five minutes was up because my joints hurt so much. It has taken one year to earn my first "fitpoints" t-shirt from the gym. Now I know I can get to the next level in three months. I sleep through the night without waking up from painful joints and the wrist injury has healed. I can swim for one hour without agonizing knee pain. I've lost 7 lbs. in 6 weeks and the sugar cravings are history as are painkillers. The sciatic pain is almost gone. I've been able to increase the weights for strength training so my muscles can support the joints better. It has been a domino effect. One system healing has affected other systems. There is no longer a heavy sensation around the liver and I have less low back pain. I feel as though the kidneys are healing. Not only has my body healed, my mind is clearer and my heart is more open.
I have my life back again. Every day I thank God for His infinite Grace and thank Tom for making this possible.
Jun 01, 2012 by Anon on Scalar Light
My blood work has shown super significant improvement
Dear Tom,

It is with gratitude and heartfelt thanks that I must write to you. The autoimmune disease I was diagnosed with several years ago is on it's way out the door. My blood work has shown super significant improvement. My doctor wishes the results of my blood work were his. He is at a loss to explain my drastic turnabout. Physically, the aches and pain attributed to rheumatoid arthritis is gone. My muscle tone and posture is that of my youth. Externally, my skin is looking healthy again and with a glow. Somehow you managed to reverse the aging process. Psychologically, I feel calm and at peace with my renewed well being. Spiritually, being stubborn as I am...I believed God would lead me to a CURE. He led me to you!!! Within months of your Light Therapy via scalar energy, I am the healthiest I've been in 20 years. I Bless you. May the world come to know of you and your Healing Ministry. You are truly a gift from God.
May 14, 2012 by Vishishta on Scalar Light
Eczema and Arthritis
I was so happy to hear about Tom's great success with my old friend who has been troubled by eczema for so many years. She says that she has never felt better. I too, have eczema, although not in the same terrible amount that she does. And arthritis. I have noticed that my eczema is disappearing for a few days and then coming back, as my body goes into stress modes fighting and cleansing. These treatments are for real and I always notice when Tom is working on me. I feel that the "best is yet to come". More later.
May 07, 2012 by Helen on Scalar Light
New Bloodwork shows diagnosis GONE
Dear Tom,

It is with gratitude and heartfelt thanks that I must write to you. The autoimmune disease I was diagnosed with several years ago is on it's way out the door. My blood work has shown super significant improvement. My doctor wishes the results of my blood work were his. He is at a loss to explain my drastic turnabout. Physically, the aches and pain attributed to rheumatoid arthritis is gone. My muscle tone and posture is that of my youth. Externally, my skin is looking healthy again and with a glow. Somehow you managed to reverse the aging process. Psychologically, I feel calm and at peace with my renewed well being. Spiritually, being stubborn as I am...I believed God would lead me to a CURE. He led me to you!!! Within months of your Light Therapy via scalar energy, I am the healthiest I've been in 20 years. I Bless you. May the world come to know of you and your Healing Ministry. You are truly a gift from God.

Apr 25, 2012 by Maia on Scalar Light
relief from lifelong disease
My eczema ridden skin has cleared up. I had given up hope that I would ever find relief. I still have a few random red places on my hands that have been there for a long time but the wrists and insides of the elbows are smooth. There is a lustre and sheen to my face and hands that a few days ago were dry and scaly. I don't itch like crazy anymore. It's happened pretty well over-night. During the first few days of treatments I had some digestive disturbance and after that I have had no more sugar cravings. I felt an unusual surge throughout my right side. Subsequent treatments gave me a peaceful feeling together with more energy. I had been very tired for a very long time. Now I'm thinking I can actually finish some big projects that
have been hanging around.
My sinus and breathing is better. My eyes are no longer dry. Digestion is better. I've continued to have more energy and I have felt happy and a times euphoric. Everyone is telling me I look good and they used to see me suffer from skin disease.

My knees are better. At first I thought this isn't working for my knees but I looked at them about 5 days after beginning treatment and saw that about half the swelling had gone down. I am still limping from sciatic pain but it's not as acute. I found a chiropractor at the same time as these treatments and have improved about 50%.
This healing has been gentle and profound. I never appreciated being poked with needles or having to drink bitter herbs or take toxic drugs. Being treated with scalar energy has been the most positive, natural and beautiful healing process I have ever experienced. I cannot describe how I am floating on a cloud but able to do more work at the same time.

I don't know what else to say but thank you Tom
Apr 08, 2012 by Marianne on Scalar Light
so much better!
I have been treated by Tom after being referred by a friend on Facebook. I have a myriad of issues, celiac being the most troublesome as it causes many other problems. I also had injured my back. The back pain is gone, my energy level is increased, and I continue to improve daily. It feels as if I have gone through a fast, detox and cleanse with no work on my part. Thanks Tom!
Apr 07, 2012 by Helen on Scalar Light
My knees keep getting better and better
I don't know what Tom has done to me. All I know is that I feel much better. Before, I had difficulty in walking and now, my knees are almost as good as they were before. I have told all of my friends about Tom's treatments and how well they work. Thank you, Tom.
Apr 02, 2012 by Anon on Scalar Light
Dear Tom,

Wanted to write about our Son's results. He is unable to send one himself since he doesn't have a computer at present.

Trying to condense: we had called him (he lives many states away from us) and in chatting, he admitted to being some worried about an old surgical catheter scar he had under his left breast. (He'd had open heart surgery when five years of age) This was very old and normally was barely visible and somewhat puckered and sunken. He said it had turned reddish, and the area underneath it was raised thus raising the scar as well, and very tender to the touch; and that the area over his heart was numb feeling, like when any part of one's body goes to sleep. This had been going on for some days and knowing our Son, perhaps at least two weeks. That's when we asked you for help for him.

We called next day to check and he said it felt much better and also his sinuses which had always bothered him, were much better.

The fourth day after you had worked on him, we checked and this time he said there was nothing sore; nothing numb, and that the scar had become sunken and faint again like it used to be! His sinuses were definitely just fine, and he actually felt "lighter" inside. Well undoubtedly because so many of his pathogens were gone...

He thanks you profusely and of course so do we his parents.
Mar 26, 2012 by beloved on Scalar Light
kittties too!!!
i am a kitty and my human is submitting this for me, but this is a sincere testimonial.

i went to the vet with a tummy ache and they found pancreatitis...my blood was so thick they couldn't spin it and i had terrible infections in my blood...the next thing that happened was my platelet count dropped so low that i was in danger of bleeding out...they put me in a scarey cage in the hospital and i missed my family...they also gave me some very hazardous antibiotics that my family didn't really want me to have...they were way too harsh for kitties...but a few hours after tom's treatments, they ran another blood test and the doctor said, "why is this kitty on this horrible antibiotic? there is no infection present to warrant this?"

i was covered with bruises from all the tests and not feeling good at all in that hospital, so my family decided to bring me home and let LOVE do the rest of the work...they found a homeopathic vet who prescribed one remedy along with Tom's treatments...two years later i am happy and alive and just celebrated my 13th birthday. but in all honesty i almost didn't make it...

i'm so glad to be alive because my humans really need me...thank you TOM for helping me get well...purr purr purr!
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