Because our bodies are "fields of energy and information, stressors like toxic chemicals, heavy metals or even germs, can lower our LIGHT FREQUENCY. When this occurs, your body will respond and let you know your life energies have been compromised. What results is fatigue and low energy, headaches, joint aches, depression or anxiety or even more concerning, chronic symptoms.
By supporting and enhancing your body via it's energy field, we have the ability to help you heal from these environmental assaults. Once you begin to release the bonds of these toxic substances, your body can begin getting to work healing itself. With our daily broadcast of well over 300 vital nutrients assembled energetically, you can now benefit from enhanced cellular nutrition you might not otherwise get. Your healing and recovery speed up and you begin feeling better and better.
Balancing the Chakra energy systems is also of vital importance. The existence of the Chakra's has now been well studied and it's validity has been impressed amongst the scientific and the medical communities. Many Western medicine practitioners are incorporating some these ancient practices with amazing success. Why? Because we are energetic beings. The Chakra balance assist to address the "emotional negative energies" one might be experiencing or have experienced in the past. By balancing the Chakra system you will feel a difference in your mood and outlook.