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Testimonial Submission Form

Presently, no scientific protocol exists to either prove or disprove scalar light action. Furthermore, only a scalar light instrument can be utilized to monitor and observe scalar light action upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects.

The testimonies herein are first-hand accounts as to the efficacy of the scalar light sessions by way of a photograph of a person, animal, plant or object. These testimonies are subjective. Nonetheless, the testimonies serve as the initial body of evidence attesting to the benefits of the scalar light sessions. Scalar light is a new and emerging science and the testimonies listed on the website have been voluntarily submitted.

The scalar light sessions are administered upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. In practice, all scalar sessions act within the scalar light dimension which is distinct from the electromagnetic dimension. Therefore, all testimonies submitted to www.scalarlight.com reflect the subjective experience or observation of people that have e-mailed photographs of people, animals, plants and objects for scalar light sessions. Consequently, the scalar light sessions and the associated testimonies represent the new and emerging science of influencing the scalar light force fields embedded upon photographs.

The scalar light instruments are unique as well as the scalar light protocols which administer scalar light upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. Thus, the testimonies are unique, first-hand accounts relative to the ground-breaking, private research of Tom Paladino contained herein at: www.scalarlight.com


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Average rating: 1792 reviews

Top > Digestive Enzyme Program

Aug 07, 2024 by Anon on Scalar Light
The biggest difference in my overall health & well-being
About 3 weeks ago I started the the Digestive Enzyme Program. Only a few days after starting, I noticed a difference. After a week, the inflammation and itching in my body had subsided, notably with the outbreak of psoriatic arthritis on my knuckles. In the past week, this has cleared up completely! Itching and discomfort in other areas of my body and sinus congestion has also subsided. I find myself humming and singing again as I go about my day which is a testimony to the serotonin, a feel-good brain chemical, that is part of this program!

I feel that the Digestive Enzyme Program, combined with the Standard Scalar, that I’ve been on for several months, is what has made the biggest difference in my overall health & well-being. My energy level is coming back, I am exercising more regularly, walking more briskly and I do not feel the need to rest and nap as much during the day. I also noticed that when I bend down, it is easier to get up again! I am much more enthusiastic about life again and am very grateful to Tom, Nancy and the Scalar Team for your support and dedication to improving the health of as many people as possible.
Jul 13, 2024 by Anon on Scalar Light
I think the digestive therapy has been very good
I think the digestive therapy has been very good. I went on it because I’m constantly having horrible heartburn which I was diagnosed with Barrett’s pre-cancer esophagus and I don’t know 2010 and then you know they they looked at it and they said we’re gonna put you on Annie, what is omeprazole and for heartburn which I sometimes have to take twice a day and then I’m burping all the time like repeats and I eat listen to this doctor in Australia and she is like a few repeat you just need to cut it out of your diet she’s talking about burping and I mean but I burp even after I drink water for goodness sakes and I’m so I am think I’m gonna need to stay on that program For at least another four months .
Mar 10, 2024 by Inez on Scalar Light
Thank you Universe, Thank you Tom and your Team
I am feeling much more confident with health related issues and my energy level and sleep is amazing. Having a cold or flu like symptoms all these weeks on scalar light did not do any harm..on the contrary. I had the feeling that my immune system was and still is being strenghtened . My husband who had some depression issues before a toe operation slowly recovered beautifully over time and weeks on Scalar light. His digestive issues are now with the special digestive enzyme program already showing clear improvement i.e. intestinal challenges.

Thank you Universe, Thank you Tom and your Team for helping us to pull things through and to have a much more daily focused meditation session!
Mar 05, 2024 by Anonymous on Scalar Light
Digestive Enzyme Program
I'm going into my second bout and renewing my digestive enzyme program. I have diverticulosis (diverticulitis when inflamed. I'm very careful what I eat so not to trigger an episode. In the 3 months I've been signed up for your digestive enzyme program, my digestive system has been the best it has in 2 years! No flare ups at all! I'm still careful, but believe the scalar energy is ABSOLUTELY helping immensely!! Thank you!
Sep 12, 2022 by Paru on Scalar Light
All disappeared and for the first time in months could eat normally
I had had candida and many digestive issues and pain from spike protein and after one month all disappeared and for the first time in months could eat normally. Also noticed a big difference in metabolism and didn't put on so much weight. I love scalar and will be referring my clients to it also and hope to bring it to New Zealand in one way or another - this is the future of healing no doubt
Nov 02, 2021 by Jacki on Scalar Light
No Laxatives, No Detox Supplements
I've been on the Digestive Enzyme program for a week and a half now, and the standard program for about 20 days. Three days after starting the Digestive Enzyme program I became more regular (bowel-wise) for the first time since I can remember! No laxatives, no detox supplements, the only difference being adding the digestive enzyme program! This is huge to me! Thank you!!!
I have also noticed many thing since starting the Standard Program. I sprained my ankle, and was walking normally, pain free in two days. I am sleeping better and waking refreshed. My mood has been better - lighter, and I can feel an overall wellness.
Jan 11, 2021 by Anon on Scalar Light
Made the biggest difference in my overall health & well-being
Only a few days after starting, I noticed a difference. After a week, the inflammation
and itching in my body had subsided, notably with the outbreak of psoriatic arthritis on
my knuckles. In the past week, this has cleared up completely! Itching and discomfort
in other areas of my body and sinus congestion has also subsided. I find myself
humming and singing again as I go about my day which is a testimony to the serotonin,
a feel-good brain chemical, that is part of this program!

I feel that the Digestive Enzyme Program, combined with the Standard Scalar, that I’ve
been on for several months, is what has made the biggest difference in my overall
health & well-being. My energy level is coming back, I am exercising more regularly,
walking more briskly and I do not feel the need to rest and nap as much during the day.
I also noticed that when I bend down, it is easier to get up again!
Apr 16, 2020 by Ruth on Scalar Light
Digestive Enzyme Program
Who would have thought from the start, I began sleeping better! It takes enormous energy to digest food and despite usually eating a lot of raw food over Summer, there in itself, that takes up a lot to digest and so with the digestive enzymes, this was made possible how much rest I gained too.
Apr 03, 2020 by Lilian on Scalar Light
Digestive Enzyme Program
Hi Tom, thank you very much for this free trial, i did not notice any difference, but i felt good, thats good with me. Thanks.
Mar 22, 2020 by Maria on Scalar Light
This free enzyme thing MADE ME GAIN 2kg. ! ! horrible! i want to lose weight not gain weight! Sorry
Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 items. Page: 1

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